Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The History of Exis and Eartheaven


Eartheaven is a real place. It exists.
Exis is a doorway to Earthheaven and to Heaven.
We also invite you to explore Eartheaven as an Exisian would.

In the first book of Destiny, Exis was an inner world
where Elius came of age. A blind contemplative who
became the learner, he was abducted and taken to
the galactic center world, where the rulers of the
empire were struggling with an unknown threat of
the Litecians. This threat was a matrix network
to control the minds of conscious beings
by use of light and hypnotize all cultures on all worlds.
This has occured by a use of hidden hypnotic light waves.

Elius escaped with the help of his companions and a team
that returned to Exis and liberated the planet
from the threat by triggering a counter-effect explosion.
This occured in the caverns of the great Rigolpi gem mountain.
His doorway of perception was his blindness which
opened to the inner light, and opened his outer
vision to wave-seeing.

As the light wave effect exploded in
the inner world of Exis, it illuminated the
entire galaxy with a wave of light that was much
like the original big bang. This ethereal wave
reaches for Earth, and will ultimately shine with
the light of a thousand stars for one night and day,
as it passes through the solar system. With it, the people
will all realize Exis, which is the inner Eartheaven.

This is the origin of Exis, and the first story of Eartheaven.
How long ago this occured, we do not know, but it
is in process of arriving even now. Explore Eartheaven
here and you may realize how this all has come to be.
This light has formed the inner worlds, and they
continue to evolve, as man does in this outer world.

Now we may know and see the integrated way. This is to
be found in the exploration of Eartheaven,
for people to know here and now, even in their own lives.

POSTED by Paneagle for the people of Eartheaven One.



Elius is a spiritualist. He creates worlds.
He lives in a created world.
Beautiful in every pore, Love pores from every core.
Each vista is of a lovely, spirit filled world.
People dance. And children sing.
There is no crime. No hate, no violence, no aggression.
It is more than a Utopia. It is an Eden.
It is a Eartheaven.

There is here all the things that are good of all worlds.
People can come and go. If they happen to fall below
The best, they are accepted, but it may be if they are not,
They will leave, usually just of their own.
This is a world of free will and pastel colors
Of poetic grace and full appreciation of soul.
There are beautiful teachers here. They are also
Those who invite and make others welcome.
They may give instruction or lead others and how to be.

Elius Kawadias is here. He knows the world under the stars
It is also all within the cosmos, a star filled world of light.
Every person, and every Soul is a star.
They shine and feel the benevolence.
This is not just a virtual world, but a world that is created
by every one who comes to the virtual reality.
The world is created and realized, as it is, when these
Poes (people) who come here are known.


Elius is in Exis, a heaven of light and a real world.
He was once blind. He is not any more.
He could not see, but now he knows.
He knows that what he sees he knows
And what he knows he sees.
It is simple now. All light and love, here is Exis,
It is truth and beauty too. All for anyone to know.

Who comes to Exis? Anyone who really seeks love.
Because they already know love. So they bring it with them
And they find it here.

People who come to Exis can return to Earth.
In fact, when they do, they bring Exis with them.
This is the Eartheaven. Those who do can really live.
They exist. Exis and Elius invite this in the virtual world,
Where Elius lives, but not only where Exis or eartheaven is.

Elius Kawadias is a writer. Do you wish to know?
He knows his eartheaven can transform the earth people
Who come here, or return there. That is a good nature.
He was once a part of the writer Shakespeare.
He was once a part of Charlamagne.
And he was once of Peter of Jerusalem.
He was once of Omar Khayyam, also called Elius of Kayam.
He was once of a poet named Rabindranath Tagore too.
He was once a part of Robert Stevenson, who lived in Oceania,
Scotland, and California and upstate New York, in North America.
Now he is Elius in Exis, and he lives. Elius is. So are you.

Once you visit Exis, you explore the consciousness of light here.
You explore the world, and see it come of your own.
One thing though, antagonism, anger, these are muted or unable to function.
Somehow, these things dissolve. There is no gaming or soldiering.
There is nothing to defend. Exis is, but is beyond the attack.
Why? Because even though Exis lives, it is not just virtual. It is beyond that.
But visiting Exis, one finds it is a doorway to the true inner reality.
This is what makes it so special.

Go ahead, and explore
or write Elius through the Eartheaven Web Blog.


Exis is a utopia. It is a hippie style free land.
It is a happy Oz Eden love place.
It is a disney like garden of eden, an island paradise, a golden land,
a Shangri-la. mountain retreat, and a ocean beach resort.
But the thing is, it is free. It’s space is unbounded. It can be as large or small
As one may see. It is a bizarre with lots of people meeting.
It is a place where voices sound of beauty, and the sound of beauty
Is in each voice. There is a melodic hum and a sound like Huing,
The sound of all sounds.

Elius is not the master of Exis. He is one of all who are. It is
a learning. There is always this learning. He is one of those who
knows the stars. He could be said to be one of
The original wise men, or perhaps he was of the original

Elius was once in a private Persian world of a caliph.
He was in many worlds and many times. He was an explorer.
He was abandoned on an island in the Caribbean, like Daniel Dafoe wrote about.
He eventually was found by pirates who used him. He escaped.
Now the pirates may come but they do not harm. They seek the
Beauty of the paradise. They seek the warmth of love, and freedom
Beyond danger.

Elius was once a powerful Viking who sailed the north sea.
Now he knows the Exis is unlike the Earth.
But it is also like the Earth, like the fjords and the great Himalayas
And like Bali and like the dream beach of Contact. Pure blue
And orange and golden colors and flowers everywhere in the garden
That is a wonder in itself. It is not cold, and it is not barren.

The climate is beautiful, always fresh, clean, warm,
Even the cold does not sting, and the heat does not fire.
It has a deep jungle or open desert and wide sky, with a temple
In the cloud, and also one in the valley between the mountains.
The temple is in the calm blue land with a warm sky.

Elius sees the canyon and valley and has his dwellings above them.
One is below in the deep in quiet recess of the earth, between the
Meeting of two rivers. A small river circles the house like
That in the redrock country, and the house sits overlooking the
Distance, cliffs to the mountain side, and to the plains across
And to the ocean beyond.

Others can come to the large house that sits by the river,
and enter some special rooms in the house,
a healing blue room and one with golden orange glows, a table
Sets in the center where one can remain in the room
where patients may come and sense a deep peace.
Here visitors come to feel worked on or lounge in restful quiet.

Elius shows them they may go to the peak above the cliff and
see the land as an eagle. Elius can shift his appearance,
be a bird or a man or a spirit. He can rest or soar. Anyone
Can learn to do this too.

Elius can be with the animals that may come here,
To wonder through or remain, and all are invited.
There is no idea of need or poverty or lack nor the idea of loss.
There is no harm and no ??…to attack another.

Elius can also be here for those with problems. If they wish,
But what comes of it is natural and easy. In other words
It is not analysis. Everyone is a pure soul.
And Soul can refix or affirm as it will. Soul will blend and bend
Itself into itself, a pure light, or pure love, or just pure soul.
This is a quality in Exis which Elius is a part of.
And everyone who comes can sense it. Beautiful and wonder love.

There is part of Exis that connects to all other worlds.
It connects to the Earth virtual world through second life.
It is here in Exis that Elius can be known. It is in Exis
That you can know yourself. This is the open door.
Those who wish to know the inner Exis may come first
to this place where they can learn what Exis is.
Exis becomes an axis, a entry and a center. From here one can
Even explore the mainland and outer world. But it would become
eartheaven for them, if they would ever carry this virtuality to the world.

The stars pass over Exis and Eartheaven together. The gods are
In the stars, and the stars are known as they are, the messenger
And eagle and whale stars, for example, for the over world, inner world,
And underworld. But here these are all worlds within, and
Within the stars is a secret code that brings illuminations.
The illuminations are of Soul, the light within Exis, and Elius
Knows, as he sees, just as you can know as you see.
The hearing is a third component, hearing the voice that speaks
Not in words, but wave sound or vibration, of the essence
Of what is communicated. It is that holographic light that
Comes of the sound. It makes us see what we know and hear.

The stars for patterns, and the sky is beautiful of them.
From Exis, one can go to the soul of each star, to the world
That it is. The inner world of each star is amazing of itself.
The world of the Capella messenger is one, the most bright,
Illuminating, light that is of a thousand suns, but it also is
Approached from within, so it is not a glare. One can become
Accustomed to this light, and then see the world there.
Capella is a messenger whose words are holographic full images.
It is communicated directly to the listener. In its essence
Is all knowledge. There is traveling the heavens with Capella
Who captures the essence of travel. His purpose is to take
You to the highest world, the world that is beyond Exis,
Of which Exis is a doorway. This world becomes a full
Image holograph which is inclusive of second life virtual world
And the real world of men and earth. But mostly the doorway
Is to the full heaven world of exis that is beyond the virtual exis.

First, one might become more certain of Exis here.
The exis world can become what it needs to be for you.
Elius invitations are those of what you may wish for you.
That is about the essence, then you may sense the company.
This would be an important step. The inner master of Exis
Is with all who enter. It is most natural.

Now the gods have been here and found.
The outer planets in our sun system are here, but within
Them are the ideals of the gods, the best of soul in the stars.
They were only part of the entirely, not really gods per say,
Except in relation to men. In exis, one can become of this
Creation. It can become of you too. But it is not the
Creation of things which are manipulated or controlled.
They just are, as they are, but the creation sense is the vitality.
Now that is where the center is. Exis then can unfold as it will.

Apollo is the prime god here. He is filled with light, and
Flows with the waves of light through all the world.
He is within all that is created too. But he does not claim
Control over that. That is for the light beings of Exis
That may come and be in Exis.

Luna is the moon god. Luna is heart and love. Here the moon is warm.
There is also Hermes, the messenger, and the soul of the spirit musician.
There is Aurora, the beautiful, the feminine soul of Exis.

There is Ares her partner, another friend, willing always for love, but never takes love.
This is not the way in Exis. Love is always given, never taken, and nothing exists
Outside of love. The other are Jove, Hera, Prometheus, Poseidon and Kronos.
They rule over each part of the world, but do not ruler over others. This is a partnering
with the creative and creation. The Exisian can learn this here.

There is also Soleris, the essence of the male creative,
and Solith, the essence of the feminine creative.
This is all in the world of Exis, but not of the world Exis.
This essence of Exis is a key, but it will take time for those visitors
And learners to come and find out. It is not given instantly, and if so,
May actually be the one thing misued. The rest is temporal, so this
Essence is necessary to learn and know, but all in good time.
This is the reality invitation from Elius.